Standalone Checkout

Your guide for Accept's standalone checkout tools.

By reading this guide you will know how to use the standalone tools and identify the use case of each.


What are Accept's standalone checkout tools?

If you're managing your business through your social media platform, or if you have a website/mobileApp, but you want to send a special offer to some customer or you have a hot offer and you have no time to deploy it on your website and for any other business case you can imagine.
Accept provides you with two powerful payment options "Invoices" and "Products", which will get your service/product ready to be sold within a couple of minutes, no coding needed, just a few configurations.


  1. Sign up for an account or login if you already have one.

Accept portal - sign-in page

  1. In your dashboard, click on the "Invoices" tab you can find it in your navigation board placed on the left side.

Accept dashboard - Navigation Board.

  1. You will see a view similar to the one in the image below, this is your invoice interface, from which you can create your invoices with the price and the needed customer details.

Accept dashboard - Invoice Creation.

Full Name: Your customer full name.
Phone Number: Your customer contact number.
Email Address: The email address on which your customer will receive notification after performing his payment.
Merchant Order ID: A field in which you can set your own reference to your orders, might be a string or integer or mix of both, choose what fits your reference convention πŸ˜‰
Remember this field is unique per order, which means that you cannot use the same merchant order ID for more than one order.
Order Name: A human-readable naming to your order which will be displayed to your customers on the checkout page.
Order Description: A field in which you can add a description to your order contents.
Order Amount: The price of your order in cents, for example, if your order price is 1000 pounds, it should be written as 100000, 100 pounds should be "10000" and so on.
Currency: The currency that you'll accept your payment with "PKR, USD, etc...".


After choosing the desired currency, a list with your available payment methods will appear to you, please choose the payment method you want your customer to pay for you through.
You can choose one or more than one payment method to offer your customer to pay through.
By default, your account is created with an EGP credit card integration ID, to know more about creating/managing your payment integration please check the Payment Integrations guide.

Delivery Needed: Set it to True if you will deliver your order through our order delivery service, or set it to be False in case your service don't need to be delivered.

  1. After creation, your invoice creation page should look like the example image below.

Accept dashboard - Invoice Creation Details.

Click on submit, and that's it πŸŽ‰
Now your invoice is ready to be paid for.

  1. After clicking on submit, you will be redirected to your invoice details.

Accept dashboard - Invoice Link.

Share the link found in the Order Link field with your customer, this is where he can pay for your order through.

  1. Your customer should be redirected to a page similar to the one below.

Accept dashboard - Invoice Pay.

Now your customer can choose which payment channel he wishes to perform his payment through.


If you're using a test integration IDs, please use one of these test credentials along with it to test your checkout experience.

  1. If you want to check your created invoices, click on the orders tab in your navigation board, then click on your order invoice as viewed below.

Accept dashboard - Navigation Board, Orders.


Accept dashboard - Order tab details.


You have just created your invoice successfully πŸŽ‰
Now please share the invoice link with your user in order to pay for it.

  1. When your customer performs a payment to your invoice, the order related to this invoice will be marked as Paid, and a new record will be added to your transactions, check Transactions tab guide to learn more about your transactions.


  1. Sign up for an account or login if you already have one.

Accept portal - sign in page.

  1. In your dashboard, click on the "Products" tab you can find it in your navigation board placed on the left side.

Accept dashboard - Navigation Board.

  1. You will see a view similar to the one in the image below, this is your product's interface, from which you can create/manage your products.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.



Usually, this page will be empty as long as this is your first time using the Products Standalone tool.

  1. Let's create a new product, click the add button found in the upper right corner of your product interface as shown in the image below.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.

  1. Now you should see an interface similar to the one mentioned in the image below, let's define the usage of each filed.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.

Name: Enter a name that defines and identifies your product to your customer.
Description: Enter a description for your product.
Price: Enter the price of the piece from your product.
Inventory: Enter the number of the available pieces to be sold from your product.
Needs Delivery: Choose if your product needs to be delivered or not.
Allow Quantity Chane: Choose if your customer can buy more than one piece per one time.
Merchant Product ID: Enter a unique reference to identify your product, but remember this reference is unique per product, so you cannot have two products with the same Merchant Product ID.
Currency: Choose the currency you want to accept your payment with "PKR, USD, etc...".



After choosing the desired currency, a list with your available payment methods will appear to you, please choose the payment method you want your customer to pay for you through.
You can choose one or more than one payment method to offer your customer to pay through.
By default, your account is created with an EGP credit card integration ID, to know more about creating/managing your payment integration please check the Payment Integrations guide.

Now your product creation page should look like the image below:


Accept dashboard - Product Summary.

  1. Click submit, now your product list should look like the image below.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.

  1. Click on your product to view your product details, from which you can find your product link.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.

Share the link found in the Product Link field with your customer, this is where he can pay for your product through.

  1. Your customer should be redirected to a page similar to the one below.

Accept dashboard - Product Pay.

Now your customer can choose which payment channel he wishes to perform his payment through.



Your customer can order more than one piece if you allowed the quantity change in product creation step.

  1. When your customer performs a payment to your product, a new order record appears in your Orders tab and it will be marked as Paid, and a new record will be added to your transactions, check Transactions tab guide to learn more about your transactions.
    Also, if you checked the inventory related to this Product, you will find it decreased by the number of the sold ones.

Accept dashboard - Product Summary.


You have just created your Product successfully πŸŽ‰
Now please share the product link with your user in order to pay for it.

Invoice VS. Products

So now we've explained the Standalone tools in detail, please check this comparison which will allow you to decide which one will help you to achieve the best payment experience for your services.

Allowed to pay through all payment methodsβœ…βœ…
Allowed to deliver your order βœ…βœ…
Allow Quantity Change❌βœ