Payment API Flow


Accept provides its merchants with a wide variety of payment channels. Integrating any of these payment methods has the same set of API calls, we're going to demonstrate the basic steps you should flow in order to finalize your integration with Accept with the least possible effort.



You might receive extra parameters in the response of these APIs, but the parameters mentioned in the example responses are all you need to complete your payment flow.
If you want to know more about retrieved keys in this object and the error codes related to it, please check our API reference.


Download the Postman collection from this link

1. Authentication Request

The Authentication request is an elementary step you should do before dealing with any of Accept's APIs.
It is a post request with a JSON object that contains your api_key found in your dashboard - Profile tab.


Method: POST

Source: Merchant's server

Recipient: Accept's server

Content-Type: JSON

Example request data:

    "api_key": "ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpVe..."
api_keyYesIt is a unique identifier for the merchant which used to authenticate your requests calling any of Accept's API.

Example response:

    "token": "ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpVeE1pSXNJ..."
ParameterRequired for the next requestDescription
tokenYesAuthentication token, which is valid for one hour from the creation time.

2. Order Registration Request:

At this step, you will register an order to Accept's database, so that you can pay for it later using a transaction.
Order ID will be the identifier that you will use to link the transaction(s) performed to your system, as one order can have more than one transaction.


Method: POST

Source: Merchant's server

Recipient: Accept's server

Content-Type: JSON

Example request data:

  "auth_token":  "ZXlKaGlPaUpJVXpVeE1pSX1Y0NJmV5Sn...",
  "delivery_needed": "false",
  "amount_cents": "100",
  "currency": "PKR",
  "merchant_order_id": 5,
  "items": [
        "name": "ASC1515",
        "amount_cents": "500000",
        "description": "Smart Watch",
        "quantity": "1"
        "name": "ERT6565",
        "amount_cents": "200000",
        "description": "Power Bank",
        "quantity": "1"
  "shipping_data": {
    "apartment": "803", 
    "email": "[email protected]", 
    "floor": "42", 
    "first_name": "Clifford", 
    "street": "Ethan Land", 
    "building": "8028", 
    "phone_number": "+86(8)9135210487", 
    "postal_code": "01898", 
     "extra_description": "8 Ram , 128 Giga",
    "city": "Jaskolskiburgh", 
    "country": "CR", 
    "last_name": "Nicolas", 
    "state": "Utah"
    "shipping_details": {
        "notes" : " test",
        "number_of_packages": 1,
        "weight" : 1,
        "weight_unit" : "Kilogram",
        "length" : 1,
        "width" :1,
        "height" :1,
        "contents" : "product of some sorts"
auth_tokenYesThe authentication token obtained from step 1
delivery_neededYesSet it to be true if your order needs to be delivered by Accept's product delivery services.
amount_centsYesThe price of the order in cents.
merchant_order_idNoA unique alpha-numeric value, example: "E6RR3".
Discard it from the request if your don't need it.
itemsYeslist of objects contains the contents of the order if it is existing, send it as empty array if it is not available. However, Mandatory for Souhoula and GET_GO payment methods.
shipping_dataNoMandatory if your order needs to be delivered, otherwise you can delete the whole object.
shipping_detailsNoMandatory if your order needs to be delivered, otherwise you can delete the whole object.

Example response:

  "id": 103,
  "created_at": "2017-01-10T05:41:15.700814Z",
  "delivery_needed": "false",
  "merchant": {
      "id": 28,
      "created_at": "2016-11-17T15:02:53.646620Z",
      "phones": [
      "company_emails": [
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]"
      "company_name": "Wuckert, Zieme and Dach",
      "state": "Oklahoma",
      "country": "Oman",
      "city": "Port Arvillachester",
      "postal_code": "83372",
      "street": "Walker Ramp"
  "collector": "null",
  "amount_cents": 100,
  "shipping_data": {
      "id": 80,
      "first_name": "test",
      "last_name": "account",
      "street": "example",
      "building": "6",
      "floor": "4",
      "apartment": "404",
      "city": "cairo",
      "state": "egypt",
      "country": "egypt",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phone_number": "00201000212058",
      "postal_code": "123456",
      "extra_description": "test asdf",
      "shipping_method": "EM",
      "order_id": 103,
      "order": 103
  "currency": "PKR",
  "is_payment_locked": "false",
  "merchant_order_id": "null",
  "wallet_notification": "null",
  "paid_amount_cents": 0,
  "items": []
ParameterRequired for the next requestDescription
idYesThis is the ID of your order in Accept's database, so you can use this reference to perform any action to this Order.

3. Payment Key Request:

At this step, you will obtain a payment_key token. This key will be used to authenticate your payment request. It will be also used for verifying your transaction request metadata.


Method: POST

Source: Merchant's server

Recipient: Accept's server

Content-Type: JSON

Example request data:

  "auth_token": "ZXlKaGlPaUpJVXpVeE1pSX1Y0NJmV5Sn...",
  "amount_cents": "100", 
  "expiration": 3600, 
  "order_id": "103",
  "billing_data": {
    "apartment": "803", 
    "email": "[email protected]", 
    "floor": "42", 
    "first_name": "Clifford", 
    "street": "Ethan Land", 
    "building": "8028", 
    "phone_number": "+86(8)9135210487", 
    "shipping_method": "PKG", 
    "postal_code": "01898", 
    "city": "Jaskolskiburgh", 
    "country": "CR", 
    "last_name": "Nicolas", 
    "state": "Utah"
  "currency": "PKR", 
  "integration_id": 1
  "lock_order_when_paid": "false"


You might notice that you've sent "amount_cents" before in the Order Registration API.
The "amount_cents" sent before was the price of the order, as Accept has a wide variety of payment channels, one order can have several transactions through more than one payment channel with different prices.

auth_tokenYesAuthentication token obtained from step 1.
amount_centsYesThe price should be paid through this payment channel with this payment key token.
expirationYesThe expiration time of this payment token in seconds.
order_idYesThe id of the order you want to perform this payment for.
billing_dataYesThe billing data related to the customer related to this payment.
All the fields in this object are mandatory, you can send any of these information if it isn't available, please send it to be "NA", except, first_name, last_name, email, and phone_number cannot be sent as "NA".
currencyYesThe currency related to this payment.
integration_idYesAn identifier for the payment channel you want your customer to pay through.
lock_order_when_paidNoA flag prevent this order to be paid again if it is paid.

Sample response:

    "token": "ZXlKMGVYQWlPaUpLVjFRaUxDSmhiR2NpT2lKSVV6VX..."
ParameterRequired for the next requestDescription
tokenYesThe payment token which you will use with the pay API.


The Final Step would be the iframe URL that will actually open the UI the customer will use to complete the payment

iframe URL:{{your_iframe_id}}?payment_token={{payment_token_obtained_from_step_3}}

You will be using iframe ID related to the integration ID/Payment method used in the Payment Key creation request