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Card Payment Api

Hi I want to know if there is card payment Api I want to integrate it with my own checkout but there is no option for it.. Are you just providing your hosted checkout ?

Signup issue

I’m from Pakistan trying to signup paymob but my sign up button is not working

plugin/sdk for .net custom websites?

does paymob team have any plans, for developing sdk / code / plugin, for .net ?

wow gold

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create <https://www.wowtot.com>

When i am run my flutter app with paymob card payment its working fine on debug mode.. when i run on release mode than it gives an error of this

' PlatformException(error, Cannot deserialize value of type `boolean` from String "en": only "true" or "false" recognized I/flutter (32759): at \[Source: (String)"{"payment_key":"ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpVeE1pSXNJblI1Y0NJNklrcFhWQ0o5LmV5SjFjMlZ5WDJsa0lqb3hNak16TWl3aVlXMXZkVzUwWDJObGJuUnpJam94TURBd01EQXNJbU4xY25KbGJtTjVJam9pVUV0U0lpd2lhVzUwWldkeVlYUnBiMjVmYVdRaU9qRXlOalF4TENKdmNtUmxjbDlwWkNJNk5EY3lOak0zTWl3aVltbHNiR2x1WjE5a1lYUmhJanA3SW1acGNuTjBYMjVoYldVaU9pSnpZV29pTENKc1lYTjBYMjVoYldVaU9pSnpZU0lzSW5OMGNtVmxkQ0k2SWs1Qklpd2lZblZwYkdScGJtY2lPaUpPUVNJc0ltWnNiMjl5SWpvaVRrRWlMQ0poY0dGeWRHMWxiblFpT2lKT1FTSXNJbU5wZEhraU9pSjZibU1pTENKemRHRjBaU0k2SW0xNlkyMTZJaXdpWTI5MWJu"[truncated 700 chars]; line: 1, column: 1125] (through reference chain: s9.c["language"]), null, null)'. how can i solved this

JazzCash EasyPaisa Paymnet Method

I want to integerate the jazzCash/EasyPaisa payment method But it is not working I have reached the 3rd step of payment API flow BUT how to use jazzCash or EasyPisa

Paymob authentication button is not clickable

I have just downloaded the Paymob plugin for USD and entered the API and HMAC Secret. However, when I click on the authenticate button, it does not work, it behaves as if it is a dummy button with no functionality.

Mobile Sdk Download Problem

This link has been disabled. Sorry, access through this link has been removed by admin policy. Please contact the person who shared it with you. unable to download mobile sdk

Payment Value issue on iFrame

I'm using paymob order registration api to register my order for payment. In parameters, "amount_cents" => 33000 with PKR currency used. I tried both with integer and string value as a parameter for this attribute. But on the iFrame Card form, paymob system showing 330.00 PKR for both integer and string value. Screenshot => (https://prnt.sc/UfBnYTUdFnzG)

redirect users from iframe to my website url

How to redirect users from iframe to my website url after successfull payment ? like happens in every payment gatway eg stripe